Wednesday, July 28, 2010

And it starts!

I have finally busted out the oils, and have started blocking in color on the Reiner!

I decided to go with a lighter dapple gray. I figure it's a fun color to paint, it will look striking on him, and I haven't seen one in that color, or not yet anyways. So he has begun, and I will post pictures when I have something worth posting...I'm starting out a little different than I usually do, since grays are really difficult to basecoat in acrylic, like I normally do, so I'm trying to do the entire thing in oils. We will see how that goes! It might take me a while haha...

He was going to be light, and not terribly warm, but I put a little bit more brown in some of the mixes than I realized, and I was actually pleased with the warmth.

I don't generally name horses I paint, but I think I'll call him November Rein for now...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Still working on it...

There's no update on the sculpture currently, I'm afraid. I haven't had time to touch him in at least a month :( As soon as this big dance show thing is over with, I'll dive back into clay activities. Or so I hope!

The Reiner has been giving me prepping fits. Every time I think I'm done, and set him down to dry a few days, I find something else to fix! It's been a really long time since I've prepped, and I guess I forgot how trying it can be at times. I had everything filled from my last nit-picking session, only to get my darn fingerprint on the fresh primer I had just applied! Dagnabbit!!!

On top of all that, I live in an area that's SERIOUSLY lacking in places that sell art supplies. All I have to pick from locally is Michaels, Jo-Anns, and a very small independent place, that didn't even have precisely what I was looking for. Blick and Dan Smith are an hour ferry ride (not to mention a long up-hill walk, or having to pay to drive on) away. There's a smaller store somewhere in Tacoma, which is about a 40min drive, along with a bridge toll. I would very much like to live elsewhere, anyone have a closet I could sleep in?

But all the griping aside, I am getting a LITTLE closer to having pictures to share, I hope!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Aaaand it's STILL hot...

I'm still plugging away at dance costuming, and shooting primer/fixing minor things on the poor Reiner in between.

Soon, he shall be started soon...or so I hope. I'm going to give him one more thorough looking over, then he gets to sit for a day or two before I try to tackle basecoating, just so he has plenty of time to dry in this weather. I'm paranoid about humidity after hearing some horror stories from a hobby friend. Yipe!

I sure wish my neighbors lovely little conure-parrot-beast would stop squawking, as it's quite irritating.

There still isn't a concrete decision on his color, but concrete might not be a bad direction, if you know what I mean ;)

Back to the sewing machine/serger!

Friday, July 9, 2010

So it's a little warm...

I have been working on prepping the Reiner since the box showed up, but I'm still not quite finished. Almost there, but a few more days. Washington got hit with some sudden hot weather, and it's rather oppressive and not making for the best drying time on my primer it seems.

I also haven't had time to touch my sculpture, unfortunately...

I have a dance show, my first ever real 'performance' the end of July, and I have to finish costuming in less than a week. That stuff has been taking most of my spare moments, but at least it's still a creative endeavor, right? I did say this blog was for my general creative activities, not just model horses ;)

I might go into more detail on the fun costume stuff later, but right now I have to go to work!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I have what?!

So my first copy of the glorious new Rose Reiner was sitting on my porch when I got home from work today! EXCITEMENT! The very first thing I did was bring him in, bust open the box, and bust out my prepping supplies.

But there's always a catch, no?

I can't decide what color this beast wants to be yet. He will be a sale piece, my first in a VERY long time, and I want something fitting, but not just generic, as this resin is really wonderful.

My first thoughts were stock horse standards, shades of dun, buckskin, but no. I thought maybe something more traditional, and classy, a light dappled, livery chestnut, lighter m/t, with little or no chrome? I love painting such colors, but is that special enough for this guy? I'm bouncing around some other thoughts, but I still haven't made up my mind. I guess maybe I'll see what he says to me while I continue to scrape, fill, and sand.