Wednesday, July 28, 2010

And it starts!

I have finally busted out the oils, and have started blocking in color on the Reiner!

I decided to go with a lighter dapple gray. I figure it's a fun color to paint, it will look striking on him, and I haven't seen one in that color, or not yet anyways. So he has begun, and I will post pictures when I have something worth posting...I'm starting out a little different than I usually do, since grays are really difficult to basecoat in acrylic, like I normally do, so I'm trying to do the entire thing in oils. We will see how that goes! It might take me a while haha...

He was going to be light, and not terribly warm, but I put a little bit more brown in some of the mixes than I realized, and I was actually pleased with the warmth.

I don't generally name horses I paint, but I think I'll call him November Rein for now...

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